The movement of life in the body
In every person, regardless of sex and gender, there are two polar types of energy: masculine and feminine. They move between the right and left sides of the body, in a gentle dance, as if following the outline of the infinity symbol. The right side of the body represents the masculine, the left side represents the feminine.
The flow of energy connects two centers: the center of manifestation in the area of the solar plexus and the spiritual center in the heart. The lower center is responsible for showing yourself in the material world, standing on your own two feet and the ability to achieve goals. The spiritual heart center creates a contact with the higher divine Self allowing you to hear the voice of your soul. If people in their development don't rise above the center of manifestation, they remain in the programs of survival, material achievement and aren't aware of their divine part. If a person lives trusting their heart center but does not open the lower one, then it's difficult for them to realize themselves in the world, they don't feel their backbone and can't show themselves.
To find integrity, you need a balance of the spiritual and material. Like a tree, you should grow down with your roots, into the lower center, responsible for the material manifestation, and with your branches - up, towards spiritual development.
For spiritually developed people, the path implies grounding: having property, your own home, money, getting in contact with the body through movement, learning to defend your boundaries and standing up for yourself.
Those who cling more to the material have to connect with their soul in order to develop themselves. Relaxation, trust in the world, letting go of control, being in tune with their own feelings and emotions as well as other people's through practices, meditations and spiritual development are favorable for them.
To connect these two centers, it's important to remove the blocks, traumas and negative patterns that interfere with the masculine and feminine parts, as they stop the energy of life from awakening.
Many of us have blocks in the lower center caused by infidelity, traumatic sexual experiences, violence in our own past, in our family or Kin history or even in past lives. Also, a lot of people have never had an example of harmonious relationships in front of them, so it seems that it is impossible to achieve happiness in partnership. But this is the mindset that can be changed.
The main thing is to believe that we deserve to be happy. First of all, focus your attention on yourself, accept all your parts and realize that the source of happiness and balance is within.
It's important to be open to your own feelings and rely on the voice of the heart, not on criticism, other people's opinions or norms of society. Sessions with a therapist or meditations in the safe space can help you with working on your patterns. This is how we get back our integrity and will. Then, people who have also built their integrity come into our lives.
After all, partnership is a refiection of the inner parts of a person. The more balanced the movement of life within us is — a beautiful play of two types of energy that cannot live without each other - the easier and more joyfully we interact with people around us.