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Aquelia Design

Necklace With Raw Black Tourmaline

Necklace With Raw Black Tourmaline

Regular price €25,00EUR
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Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is a popular variety of tourmaline that is renowned for its protective and grounding properties. Here are the key properties and characteristics of black tourmaline:

Physical Properties:

  • Chemical Formula: NaFe³⁺₃Al₆(BO₃)₃Si₆O₁₈(OH)₄
  • Color: Black
  • Crystal System: Trigonal
  • Hardness: 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale
  • Specific Gravity: 3.2 - 3.6
  • Transparency: Opaque
  • Luster: Vitreous to submetallic
  • Streak: White to grayish

Optical Properties:

  • Refractive Index: 1.614 - 1.666
  • Birefringence: 0.014 - 0.024
  • Pleochroism: None, as black tourmaline is typically opaque
  • Fluorescence: Generally none

Healing and Metaphysical Properties:

  • Energy: Black tourmaline is considered a powerful grounding stone, absorbing negative energies and providing protection.
  • Chakras: Primarily associated with the Root Chakra, helping to create a sense of security and stability.
  • Emotional Healing: Believed to help with stress relief, anxiety reduction, and protection from negative thoughts and emotions. It is also thought to promote a sense of calm and focus.
  • Physical Healing: Used in crystal healing practices to strengthen the immune system, balance the body's energies, and promote detoxification. It is also thought to help with pain relief and boost overall vitality.


  • Jewelry: Often used in rings, pendants, and bracelets. Its durability makes it suitable for everyday wear.
  • Decorative: Used in carvings, sculptures, and ornamental objects.
  • Healing: Commonly used in various forms, such as tumbled stones, raw crystals, and polished points, in crystal healing and metaphysical practices.


  • Cleaning: Can be cleaned with warm, soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners.
  • Durability: Black tourmaline is relatively hard and durable but should still be protected from hard knocks and rough handling.


  • Major Sources: Black tourmaline is found in many locations worldwide, including Brazil, Africa (Namibia, Nigeria, and Madagascar), Pakistan, and the United States.

Identification Tips:

  • Color and Luster: The deep black color and vitreous to submetallic luster are key identification features.
  • Crystal Habit: Typically forms in elongated prismatic crystals with striations along the length.
  • Testing: Gemological testing can confirm black tourmaline through its specific gravity, refractive index, and hardness.

Notable Characteristics:

  • Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Properties: Black tourmaline can generate an electric charge when subjected to pressure or temperature changes, a property that is utilized in various technological applications.
  • Protective Shield: Often used as a protective stone, believed to shield against electromagnetic radiation, psychic attacks, and environmental pollutants.

Black tourmaline's grounding and protective qualities, combined with its striking appearance, make it a favored choice in both jewelry and metaphysical practices. Its robust physical properties also contribute to its widespread use and popularity.

Length: 44cm+5cm

Crystal: 1.5cm-3cm

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